If you are one of those people who feel inflamed all the time, Jamaican flower infusion could be ideal for you. This is the advice of a nutritionist to feel less abdominal bloating and, in addition, lose weight.
There are many people who feel inflamed or swollen abdomen after each meal (or even after drinking water). This symptom is usually common when exceeding portions, however, there are those who suffer from it while eating normally.
Although it will always be good to consult a specialist if the disease becomes too common, There are some home remedies that can help “reduce inflammation,” including herbal teas. herbs .
And there’s one herb in particular that steals the show as the best solution for abdominal bloating: Jamaican flower tea.
As a journalist from Vogue lived bloated and uncomfortable all the time until Her trusted nutritionist recommended she try this infusion, which experts say is renowned for helping reduce inflammation.
What are the properties of Jamaican flower tea? How to take it to reduce inflammation of the stomach and abdomen?

The Health Properties of Jamaican Tea
Consulted by the same media, the Laura Parada, nutritionist -also author of the book What makes us eat this way? – assured that Jamaican flower tea is absolutely beneficial for human health.
This herb is native to Africa, but it is cultivated in different countries around the world. The flower is red and is known as the “Jamaica rose” or, by its scientific name, Hibiscus sabdriffa .
“Its antioxidant properties protect against the aggression of free radicals, in addition to having anti-inflammatory properties due to its polyphenol content” assured the specialist of its benefits.
As he explained, the Jamaican flower contains fruit acids that can “function as a laxative,” in addition to having “a digestive effect.” “It helps combat stomach acidity, stomach spasms, gastroenteritis and gas.”

Parada also said that thanks to its medicinal properties, This herb is generally indicated for people who need to lower their blood pressure, reduce their blood sugar and body fat, as well as improve their kidney function.
And it contains high levels of “iron and vitamin C, minerals and antioxidants such as polyphenols.”
It also has diuretic effects, which is why it may help improve kidney function.
“The antioxidant properties of the Jamaican flower protect against the aggression of free radicals. In addition, it has anti-inflammatory properties that are due to its already mentioned content of polyphenols, plant compounds recognized in the prevention of many diseases with anti-aging and antioxidant properties, which makes it the most complete and suitable for different pathologies.
In addition, This infusion is also used to relieve different symptoms not only of digestive problems, but also of colds, flu, menstrual pain, nervous disorders, insomnia, among others.
Even, There are people who claim to be able to lose weight thanks to the fact that this infusion can speed up the metabolism and increase the feeling of satiety after eating. because it could affect certain hunger-related hormones, such as leptin and ghrelin.
In addition, it contains phenolic compounds and flavonoids which “They help reduce the absorption of fats in the intestine and “burn” the fats accumulated in the body.”

How to Drink Jamaican Flower Tea to Reduce Inflammation and Lose Weight
To relieve the symptoms it promises to cure, Jamaican tea can be drunk both hot and cold.
And, as nutritionist Parada explains, It is ideal to consume it after meals.
“It is perfect to consume as an infusion, hot or cold, ideally after meals to benefit from its digestive effect.” he advised.
Although Jamaican tea is already sold in some places as boxed tea bags, it is also found in loose herb form. In this case, you can prepare Jamaican flower tea this way:
- Rinse the dried Jamaican flowers in cold water to remove any dirt or dust it may contain.
- In a large pot, Boil 1 liter of water.
- When it boils, Gently add the Jamaican flowers.
- Let the flowers boil over medium heat for about 10 minutes. In this step you will see how they release their characteristic reddish color and flavor into the water.
- Remove the pan from the heat with extreme caution and Strain the mixture to separate the flowers from the liquid.
- Add sugar or sweetener to taste while the liquid is hot, so that it can be undone more easily.
- Serve as an infusion or wait until it cools. and refrigerate to be able to enjoy cold.
- Consume it within the first two days.
Parada also assured that Jamaican flower can be mixed with other anti-inflammatory ingredients to enhance its effects: for example, you can add ginger and a little lemon to the water. which will bring greater benefits but also a different flavor.
Now, regarding the amount we should consume daily, the nutritionist explained that What is recommended would be half a cup for 2 liters of water.
“It is not recommended to exceed two cups per day. and, although it is a plant considered safe in common amounts consumed as tea, “Its consumption is not recommended during pregnancy, breastfeeding, in children, or before or after surgery,” he warned.
Furthermore, it should not be forgotten that No food or infusion has a “miraculous” effect on the body and, to be healthy in the short and long term, you need to have a balanced and healthy diet, as well as an active lifestyle. by prioritizing daily exercise.
Source: Latercera

I am David Jack and I have been working in the news industry for over 10 years. As an experienced journalist, I specialize in covering sports news with a focus on golf. My articles have been published by some of the most respected publications in the world including The New York Times and Sports Illustrated.