According to recent research, there is a single particle that, if its state changed, would cause the end of the Earth and the entire universe. That’s one physicist’s explanation of the dreaded Higgs boson.
He universe It is unstable and threatened. This was confirmed by research that found that although our place in space has existed for 13.7 billion years, A single particle, called the Higgs boson – also known as the “god particle” – could end all life we know in a single second.
Lucien Heurtier, researcher in the physics department at King’s College London and lead author of study —published in Physical letters B – assured that “We show that some models of the early universe are unlikely to be correct.”
With the existence of the Higgs boson or particle, From one minute to the next, the laws of physics as we know them today could be radically changed.
This is what is known so far about this theory.
What is the theory of the Higgs particle that could destroy the universe
According to various scientific media, The Higgs boson is an elementary particle that is thought to play a fundamental role in the mechanism that gives rise to the mass of elementary particles.
To understand its importance, you must know that Our universe would not be the same as the one we know without this mass of elementary particles: atoms would not exist, so matter would be different (or even non-existent) and we humans would not exist either.
“Since the Higgs boson exists, we know that this fundamental field that allows particles to interact with each other exists.” Heurtier explains in an article by The conversation . In fact, this particle is thought to have “identical properties throughout the universe,” so no matter where you are in the cosmos, the same masses and interactions can be observed.
“This uniformity has allowed us to observe and describe the same physics over several millennia (astronomers often look back).”
But the researcher explained that It is likely that the Higgs field will change state and fall into a “lower energy” state, which will cause a change in everything we know so far.
“A change of this nature would represent what physicists call a phase transition. “That’s what happens when water turns into vapor, forming bubbles,” Heurtier added.
These bubbles would cause a sudden change in the mass of the electrons and begin to interact differently with other particles.
“The protons and neutrons, which make up the atomic nucleus and are made of quarks, would break apart. Essentially, If such a change were to occur, no one and nothing would be left here to talk about it.
In simpler terms, If the Higgs particle generated a bubble, it would officially be the end of its life.
According to particle mass measurements from the Large Hadron Collider European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) , such a catastrophic event could be possible.
But, Fortunately, it would be “in a few billion years.”
Among physicists, It is believed that the Higgs particle could be one of the reasons for a real end of the world (and the entire universe).
This research therefore changes the perspective which The universe as we know it is not stable, but “metastable,” because it could end suddenly, but not right now.
As the researcher explains, The Higgs is unlikely to form a bubble, however, in the presence of “external energy sources, such as strong gravitational fields or hot plasma, the Higgs field can borrow this energy to form bubbles more easily.”
“Therefore, while there is no reason to expect the Higgs field to form many bubbles today, a big question in the context of cosmology is whether extreme environments shortly after the Big Bang could have triggered such bubble formation.”
That’s to say, The academic wonders why the Big Bang did not trigger the end of the universe by stimulating the Higgs particle.
His theory is that at that time the universe was very hot and that these thermal effects would have “stabilized” the Higgs.
“Therefore, this heat could not trigger the end of the universe, which This is probably why we are still here.
Why the Higgs Boson Theory Changes Some Assumptions About the Universe
There are many theoretical models describing the evolution of the universe after the Big Bang. They are said to contain light black holes which, compared to normal black holes, “could be tiny, as light as a grain.”
NOW, Stephen Hawking showed that black holes evaporate slowly. In doing so, they emit radiation, that is, they act as “heat sources in the universe.”
Following the above, Light black holes would be “much hotter and evaporate more quickly than massive holes.”
“In particular, if primordial black holes lighter than a few billion grams (10 billion times smaller than the mass of the Moon) formed in the early universe, as many models suggest, then they would have already evaporated.” Heurtier explained.
That’s to say, What the study showed is that because of these hot spots, the Higgs field should be constantly forming bubbles and therefore the universe should already be gone.
“But we are still here. This means that it is very unlikely that such objects ever existed. In fact, we should rule out all cosmological scenarios that predict its existence,” the academic said.
Source: Latercera
I am David Jack and I have been working in the news industry for over 10 years. As an experienced journalist, I specialize in covering sports news with a focus on golf. My articles have been published by some of the most respected publications in the world including The New York Times and Sports Illustrated.