Is bread the food we should stop eating to take care of our health and lose weight? Is it bad to eat gluten? These questions are answered by a food academic.
It is common for a person who intends lose weight or eat a healthier diet decide to reduce your consumption of bread a carbohydrate that has been “demonized” for many years and considered responsible for diseases such as diabetes and hypertension.
However, this is not always the case: according to the University’s food expert academic University of the Basque Country, Fabián Cuenca , Many illnesses allegedly caused by bread are actually multifactorial. That is, they do not develop simply by eating the product, but for different reasons, such as genetics, lifestyle, sedentary lifestyle, previous illnesses, etc.
In addition, the expert explained in an article published in The conversation that Consumption of certain types of bread is associated with a reduced risk of cardiovascular disease, Well, some recipes make this carbohydrate an important source of dietary fiber, vitamins and minerals.
So, is it really bad to eat bread every day? Is one type of bread better than another?

Why it’s not bad to eat bread
As academic Cuenca explains, Bread can be included in a balanced diet without causing the long list of diseases attributed to it.
Indeed, he stressed that bread is an ancient product which has fed hundreds of millions of people around the world and which has always contributed to a correct diet.
And contrary to what we believe, “Bread is not inherently harmful. Extreme claims about its consumption neglect its complexity.
“As part of a balanced diet with fresh foods, whole grains, fruits, vegetables and healthy fats, bread can be the complement that provides energy and essential nutrients” said the food expert.
In the same spirit, Cuenca said that like bread It can have a good fiber intake, depending on its ingredients, The required daily consumption can be covered by its consumption.

This is also the case for the need to consume complex carbohydrates that our body needs for energy during the day: and be careful, the specialist speaks of “complex carbohydrates” to differentiate them from “simple carbohydrates”. These are the ones that can increase blood sugar levels.
“The glycemic index of some types of bread is lower than other foods high in simple sugars. In addition, “The presence of fiber slows both the digestion and absorption of glucose.” said the specialist.
He also added that “complex carbohydrates have a moderate and sustained effect on blood sugar levels, which may help prevent insulin resistance and ultimately type 2 diabetes.”
Of course, as with all foods, Bread consumption should be balanced and not exceed the daily portions necessary for each person.
Is it bad to eat gluten?
In addition to the fear that bread can cause weight gain, it there is the fear of gluten, the protein from wheat and other grains that has become popular for being inflammatory and “bad” for your health.
However, Unless a person has celiac disease or a gluten sensitivity, there is no harm in consuming it. In fact, according to the academic, more than 90% of the population can eat this protein normally.
“The damage can be caused by the unnecessary consumption of many gluten-free products which, paradoxically, are more processed and contain fewer nutrients and less fiber than those made from gluten,” Cuenca added.
In addition, on other bread ingredients that are often criticized —like the fats contained in margarines and the vegetable oils used in their preparation—, the expert said that currently, These ingredients have reduced their harmful content.

“Some margarines are formulated with vegetable oils rich in unsaturated fatty acids. “Non-hydrogenated vegetable oils (like olive oil and canola oil) are known for their cardiovascular health benefits.”
This is why The ideal would be to ask what ingredients are used in the bread we buy daily. to ensure that a good quality fat source is used.
The relationship between bread and ultra-processed foods
Currently, The great enemy of people’s health is ultra-processed foods, They usually contain a lot of added sugars and saturated fats which increase the risk of chronic diseases.
And in general, Bread is usually added to this list of ultra-processed foods. But Cuenca wrote that “does not necessarily fall into this categorization. »
“The inclusion of whole grains in bread formulations is associated with a reduced risk of type 2 diabetes, obesity and heart disease.”
Furthermore, he added that “Bread may contain compounds with antioxidant action and anti-inflammatory compounds that may reduce cellular damage and systemic inflammation.”
For that, an option like whole wheat bread, for example, may be associated with a “significant reduction” in mortality risk whatever the cause, including diseases such as cardiovascular disease and cancer.
In this sense, the expert emphasized that “By attributing the primary responsibility for multiple health problems to a single food, we divert attention from the real risk factors.” such as excessive consumption of ultra-processed foods and a sedentary lifestyle.
“In fact, moderate bread consumption can help us have an undistorted perception of reality in a healthy and satisfied body for prolonged periods of time.”
Source: Latercera

I am David Jack and I have been working in the news industry for over 10 years. As an experienced journalist, I specialize in covering sports news with a focus on golf. My articles have been published by some of the most respected publications in the world including The New York Times and Sports Illustrated.