Oleksiy Mandziy sees Simon Fourcade retire.
If the duel between Ole Einar Bjoerndalen and Rafael Poiret in the middle of the 2000s was approaching completion, the biathlon light was cast on people who would turn everything upside down. Become the new heroes of the generation and replace the legends, take their place. Then the bets on the attackers were simple – another Norwegian and a Frenchman, Emil Svendsen and Simon Fourcade.
The stench of two, mayzhe one-year-olds (Simon the elder of usgo on the river), synchronously rose in juniors, winning two of the highest gold medals in world championships for the dekilka of rokiv (by chotiri at the skin). She herself was betting on Emilya and Simona, and Poiret, having thought that Fourcade herself would replace yoga, she would become the leader of the chosen France.
“I’m flattered that I’m equal to Raphael Poiret. Ale from the other side – all three fights: more often I smell: “Axis, marvel, new Poiret!” podium at the stages of the World Cup, Simon, focusing on respect for the sovereign name. Vіn nіkoli not prihovuvav: priyshov at the biathlon, sob to write a good history, and not be expected to replace chi tinnya.
But the new one did not win.
Emil Svendsen moved more quickly to mature rhubarb, in two pre-Olympic seasons he finished in the third in the hall, and Simon fought for Poiret’s ten. It was clear that the young Fourcade would once again take the leadership of Raphael and lead France to new victories, but not once having appeared, we are preparing to such a victoriousness.
Simon needed an hour, they gave him yoga in France, although they gradually raised him to work with the basis of all the new juniors, the middle ones, and Martin Fourcade. In 2009, Simon won the first great victory: he brought France gold to the championship of the world in the mixed relay race in the contact wrestling with Karl-Jogan Bergman. Same vin viishov z tin Rafael Poiret.
This gold was important not only from the point of view of victory, but also psychological stability – two days before that, Simon one of the remaining vistrills spent gold in the individual race, and at the finish line he lost 0.9 seconds to the bronze medalist, Croatian Yakov Faku. Utіm, in two days I was rehabilitated: I stood up and won.
That result gave an impulse to Simon – a new, Olympic season, it was stable, and at the Games near Vancouver, it went off the yellow May leader. Although Fourcade still did not have a special victory, he lost the leader of his choice and the head hope of France.
Everything changed without a hitch in Vancouver: Simon failed again, and his younger brother, Marten, took the silver from the mas-start. “Tsya medal is small for yours,” – after showing Marten to the tearful brother, I will win the medal. But for Simon, the words of the young brother didn’t change anything – they won’t be humiliated, beaten and images.
Fourcade Sr. wants to turn Vancouver into his “own” Games, he will be the leader of the ballroom and the most stable biathlete this winter. Natomist – zhah, more than one finish in the top 15 for the Chotiri race and the brother’s medal. Until the end of the season, Simon did not announce: he sank down on his own place in the hall, skipping ahead to call Marten, which finished five times.
Ale gave it a little warmer. Until recently, the leader of France, and now another number – Simon, who so jumped to get out of Poiret’s shadow, becoming a voice of his brother. In the future, in 2014, the French must explain everything and know: vin zazdriv. Ale todi, the return of 2011, everything was greedy: Simon, having failed race after race, and Marten, having continued to gain.
“I porіvnyuvav myself less with him. Marten became my obtrusive idea, there were simply no others. If I win over Marten, I am satisfied. If I finish my family, but if I go back, I’ll be happy, ”Fourcade Sr. said in an interview with French Eurosport. Abi to accept the fact that the younger brother turned out to be the best, Simon needed close to two fates.
For this hour the stench could not be splintered, Marten distanced himself as much as possible from Simon, even if the skin of the yogo was hurting his brother. Fourcade, the young man, having tried to help, but with whom he did not want to sacrifice his career. Zreshtoy, Simon gave up: win pishov for reconciliation with his brother, knowing that we are better.
If the stosunki began to lagozhuvatisya, Fourcade Sr., having seen the best season in the car’er, finished five times in the hall. Todi (at the 2012th rotation) won one special medal of world championships, taking silver in the individual race. Simon was as close to gold as possible, having played for about 7 seconds, I will overcome the same Yakov Fak (so, the one who gave Simon a medal three years before). Ale and srіblo Fourcade Sr., having succeeded, I won – the whole special medal.
The 2011/12 season, as it turned out, was a peak in Simon’s car – one of the wins, having won five of his eight special podiums, winning the single globe (Maly in the hall of the individual) and becoming the vice-champion of the world.
Nadali Fourcade Sr. was only once on the podium in the special races (in 2013 he had a role), and his role in the selection of France changed with the skin offensive rock. Zreshtoy, in 2018 Simon moved to the B team, he turned to the IBU Cup, and went to the Olympics with the status of a substitute. In the 2019th rotation, the biathlete again landed in the B team, being one of the best there, but taking the chance, not hitting the world at the Cup stages.
During the course of the years, gradual degradation of Simon, his younger brother became the absolute hegemon of light biathlon. Martin, having not only won this Cup in the world of sleep, having “privatized” his own nickname Fourcade – the younger brother not only corrected the tyn of the elder, but, in fact, having forgotten his memory about one Fourcade.
Chi mіg schos z cim grow Simon? Vіn having started to fight, and yet in 2014 he found out that his talent is not equal to the talent of his brother. The eldest s Fourkadіv was more and more napolegly pratsyuvav, but at the same time nіvelovuvav young talent. To this, Simon, vreshti-resht, reconciled: win pishov at the shadows, for all his life, having begun to vibrate. Ale go out, sho Simon Fourcade wins more than one rok – from the moment I win gold in the world championship before Martin srіbl at the mas-start at the Olympiad. For the rest of the hour, Simon is no new to Poiret, just like Martin’s brother.
Mabut, the axis of the bazhannya does not feel like a ton, an evil fire has played with Fourcade Sr.: after spending one season at his peak, and then we won’t try to take in an important vpevnenist. The struggle against Svendsen didn’t last long, the replacement of Raphael Simon didn’t even go away – we won’t blame those who led France to new victories. Zreshtoy, yogo remember nothing more than Marten’s brother.
I tse, obviously, are not the ones on which Simon Fourcade rozrakhovuvav 15 years ago, making his debut at the stages of the World Cup. Vin became the only top junior of his generation without a medal of the Olympic Games. Vin is clearly not realizing his full potential. On the other side – the very wine, having presented Martin Fourcade to the biathlon world. Simon used the butt and showed that it is possible to pinch the top. Yakby is not Simon, there would be no Marten.
Source: Sportarena