AMC Fight Nights Middleweight Champion Vladimir Minev on the Telegram channel he announced that he would organize the next fight with Konstantin Glukhov according to the rules of kickboxing.
The fight will take place in Ulyanovsk and is scheduled for April 28.
— Friends, fans and all kickboxing fans! On April 28, I am waiting for you all in Ulyanovsk for my next fight with Konstantin Glukhov. My goal is not only victory, I intend to prove that Ulyanovsk is the forge of true champions! — Mineev wrote on his Telegram channel .
Mineev, 34, joined the Russian armed forces; since February 2023, the athlete has repeatedly visited the combat zone, combining this with sports performances according to the rules of kickboxing.
Live broadcasts of mixed martial arts tournaments can be seen on and Match! Fighter”, as well as on the sites and
Source : MatchTV

I am Ashley Ortiz and I am a professional journalist working for Athletistic. My specialty is in sports journalism, particularly boxing. I have written articles for some of the most renowned publications on the subject, and my work has been featured across both print and digital media platforms.