Athletistic/Boxing. Russian and European boxing champion Dmitry Dvali was injured while trying to intervene in a fight involving a group of men who were beating a boy in Feodosia, SHOT reports.

According to the Telegram channel, 24-year-old Dmitry and his brother came to Feodosia for a master class for young boxers. On July 28, after a morning jog, they were returning to the hotel along the embankment and noticed that a group of about fifteen men had attacked the boy. Dmitry tried to protect the man, but in response to his actions, the attackers attacked him as well. During the fight, Dvali’s right eye was gouged out. The boxer was urgently hospitalized in Moscow. Currently, doctors are fighting to preserve the eye as an organ, but Dmitry does not have full vision. He will undergo his first operation on Monday.

Dvali said there was little hope of regaining his vision, although he might need a prosthesis if that failed. He has contacted police and the suspects are being sought.

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