Mark Arnell wrote a book about travel

Mark Arnell, Kimi Raikkonen’s former personal trainer, who now works at Aston Martin with Sebastian Vettel, went to Singapore with the entire Formula 1 but just before departure he managed to complete preparations for the publication of his book, specifically dedicated to long-distance travel.

Mark has the richest experience in this field, as his career in Formula 1 started a quarter of a century ago: already in 1997 he coached Mika Hakkinen at McLaren. And all those years Mark flew around the world with the teams he worked for.

“Making final changes to my travel ebook,” he posted on his social media pages. – I made it in time, because now I’m going to Asia, where the next three races will take place.

If you have a long flight ahead of you and you want to arrive at your destination in the best possible shape and reduce the effect of jet lag, then you need to act according to a certain plan. Such a plan is described in detail in my e-book.

Personally, I start preparing for the trip a week before the start. For example, what did I do for the week before flying to Singapore?

Reduced training intensity to avoid too much stress in the last three days before the start.

Eat well to support the immune system. I drank ginger lemonade every day, also took other additional measures to support immunity, and paid attention to preventing dehydration.

I’ve shifted sleep time closer to Singapore’s schedule (I went to bed earlier, woke up earlier – it’s easier to adjust as the race takes place in the evening).

Slept good.

And now, after a break of 3 years, I am looking forward to another journey east!”

Mark has not yet announced when the book will be available to the public for which it is intended, but judging by the reactions, many are already looking forward to it.

Source: F1 News

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