Information about the departure of hockey player Yudin from Ak Bars has not been confirmed

“AK Bars” does not intend to stop cooperation with the defender Dmitry Youdin the question of exchanging a player is not worth it, claims, citing its own sources.

The day before, the media reported that Yudin may leave Ak Bars. The Nizhny Tagil hockey trainee’s contract with the Kazan club is valid until the end of the 2022/23 season.

Information about Yudin’s possible departure from Ak Bars was not confirmed during a conversation with the Championship by the player’s agent Yuri Nikolaev.

– From the management of Ak Bars, I have never heard of a possible departure or exchange of defender Dmitry Yudin, who is talked about in the press. In principle, one of these days I will be in Kazan, then there will be more complete information about the players whose interests we represent at the club, ”said Nikolaev.

Source : MatchTV

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