Dnepr became the seventh club to submit a preliminary application for participation in the Favbet League 2024/25

Applications will close at midnight today

Kherson Dnieper submitted a preliminary application to participate in the hockey tournament Favbet leagues in the 2024/25 season.

This happened on the last day of the official acceptance of applications from potential participants of the next season. Dnipro became the fifth club to declare its desire to take part in the upcoming Favbet League draw — after the vice-champion of Kremenchuk, the debutant of the elite division Storm (Odessa), Berserkers (Vinnytsia), Tryzub (Kyiv) and the current champion Sokol and another capital club — Kyiv Capitals.

Let us recall that in early June, the Favbet League announced the start of accepting applications from future clubs participating in the 2024/25 season. Representatives of clubs planning to take part in the next season of the Ukrainian Championship must first confirm their participation by sending a confirmation in any form to the specified e-mail address – [email protected].

The deadline for preliminary applications ends today at midnight. The next step will be the League’s communication with the clubs and their official confirmation of participation in the 2024/25 Ukrainian Championship.

Source: Sportarena

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