On Saturday, a gala match took place in Mytishchi as part of the 6th edition of the annual Ovi Cup tournament, which is held under the patronage of Ovechkin. Six-year-old Sergei Ovechkin entered the ice.
“The organization of the tournament is at the highest level. I was in Krasnogorsk, I talked with children. Everyone is happy, everyone likes everything. My son went on the ice today. We will continue to work. He seems to have improved a little over the year. He plays hockey twice a week with the team and four times separately,” Ovechkin quotes a correspondent for Match TV.
- Washington fans react to Ovechkin injury
Source: Sport
I’m Emma Smith, a dedicated journalist and avid storyteller. I have been writing for news websites for the past 5 years, reporting on hockey news and delivering in-depth analysis of the sport. In my current role as Author at Athletistic, I write about hockey events from around the world to keep followers up-to-date with what’s happening in the sport.