Radionova considers the programs of single skaters more original than those of women in the new season

World Championship bronze medalist, figure skating academy choreographer Angela Plushenko Elena Radionova believes that the programs for individual skaters on the test skates in the 2022/2023 season seemed more original than those for women.

– Many people say that guys have much more original and varied productions than women. What is it related to?

– Yes indeed. Our guys surprised me. In terms of productions, there are many different programs, images. And besides, the guys have a very organic look in their productions. I want to highlight Dmitry Aliev with I will always love you. It seems like a popular song, but the coaching staff and choreographers chose a very original arrangement, so it turned out to be creative.

– Is the creativity, the diversity among the guys linked to the fact that in the men’s discipline we have more managers, more choreographers, and not just Daniil Gleikhengauz, who programs half of the women’s team?

– The more different the choreographers, the greater the diversity of the programs. Each choreographer has his own style, his favorite styles. Every year it becomes more and more difficult to surprise the public. Especially when many ideas have already been put into practice. You have to take inspiration from somewhere, so it’s a great joy that the guys have so many atypical and different looks from each other: from classic to K-pop, Radionova told

The Russian national team’s trial skates, during which athletes presented new programs for the 2022/23 season, took place in Moscow on September 24-25.

Source : MatchTV

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