“It appears and then goes. The injury is somewhere inside the foot. Maybe from the quadruple jump, when at the start of the season I decided to restore it. The injury is not dangerous, just unpleasant, painful. It passes, so everything is in order.
When wounds appear, I console myself by telling myself that it was necessary. Wounds rarely appear on their own. So it’s time to rest. I don’t get sick often either, but I use the time of illness to rest and recuperate. So I’m not particularly worried,” Izvestia quotes Tuktamysheva as saying.
Source: Sport
I am William Jackson and I have a passion for sports journalism. With over 3 years of experience in the industry, I have worked in a variety of roles to improve the quality and accuracy of sports news coverage. As an author at Athletistic, I specialize in covering football news and providing comprehensive analysis for fans around the world.