“My little sister will want sneakers with a model name in honor of Nepryaeva or Valieva. These are plans, not fantasies” – Stepanova

Olympic cross-country skiing champion Veronika Stepanova in her column on , she wrote that Russian youth, with the right approach, will have the opportunity to dream of products from domestic rather than foreign brands.

– When I was 12, I had a dream – sneakers from an American company. Not just any, but a specific model. On the letter “H” you also remember. Probably everyone wanted them in 2013.

Now I’m 22 and know that the most talented designers on the planet have worked to make me want these shoes from this particular company. The annual budget of this (specially sought after) American advertising firm is around 4 billion dollars. I think the main competitors are not spending less.

All these “Impossible is possible”, #I’m only better and so on must remain in your memory, especially if you were born in this century or a little before. So we have been taught long and professionally what we should want.

And now we are in a unique situation – all these monsters of the world are gone. That is, you can buy everything, the borders are open – but no one presses, “advises”, does not whisper with all irons: “Buy from us!” And it’s a chance!

Russia has not bowed to sanctions for a year. Headline: “The World Bank has significantly improved its forecast for Russia’s GDP in 2023: instead of falling by 3.3%, as in January, it now expects a fall of only 0.2% . And in 2024, Russia’s GDP will grow by 1.2 percent.” We have to use that. And then my younger sister, at age 12, will want sneakers not from an American company, but from ours – and for whether the model is called Nepryaeva or Valieva. These are not fantasies – these are plans! — wrote Stepanova.

According to the results of the last Russian Cup, Stepanova took second place in the overall standings, leaving Natalya Nepryaeva in front. At the 2022 Olympics in Beijing, Stepanova won gold in the relay.

Source : MatchTV

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