Ice show by Tatyana Navka, which was attended by the world figure skating champion Elizaveta Tuktamysheva does not interfere with the athlete’s preparation for the season, so she is getting in shape, coach Tatyana Mishina told .
Tuktamysheva also won the European Championship and the Grand Prix Final. Last season, the 26-year-old figure skater became third in the Russian championship and the country’s Grand Prix final.
– Lisa took part in the Navka show, but one does not interfere with the other. I mean preparing for the season. Thanks to exhibition performances, she gains in shape, like other skaters. Although these are demonstration performances, there are also jumps there, it is work too,” Mishina told .
The season begins with Russian national team test skates on September 16-17 in Moscow.
Source : MatchTV
I’m John White and I’m an experienced journalist working in the news industry. My specialty is covering sports news, which I’ve been doing for over 6 years now. During this time, I have worked as an author with Athletistic, a popular online news website focusing on sports topics.