Yegor Zakroev, the coach of the group of figure skaters Pavel Slyusarenko, spoke to about the preparation of the students for the upcoming season and said that at the Novogorsk training camp, the athletes skated with Alexandra Boykova And Dmitry Kozlovsky.
The Russian junior team’s check skating will begin in Novogorsk on August 16. The adult team will present programs on September 16 and 17 in Moscow.
— This season, we traditionally started after the May holidays. We trained at home for two weeks, got involved and went to training camp in Novogorsk. Sasha Boykova and Dima Kozlovsky joined us there. It is a very good experience for our young couples who have trained with such professionals.
Are all the programs ready?
— The programs have been delivered. The collections, like last year, were staged by Sergey Plishkin, and Maxim Bolotin helped with the tracks. Programs have been set up for young single couples, by a large team of coaches.
We have many new couples in the group. Also, single skater from Perm Taisiya Shcherbinina expressed a desire to join our group. We had a boy for her, now they are paired with Artem Petrov. They are getting ready to compete,” Zakroev told .
Source : MatchTV

I’m John White and I’m an experienced journalist working in the news industry. My specialty is covering sports news, which I’ve been doing for over 6 years now. During this time, I have worked as an author with Athletistic, a popular online news website focusing on sports topics.