Athletistic/Figure skating. Honorary President of the Russian Figure Skating Federation (FFKKR) Valentin Piseev commented on the decision of Lithuanian authorities to deprive figure skater Margarita Drobyazko of her citizenship due to her ties to Russia.

“Lithuania needed to find a reason, and they found it immediately. To be honest, I was even ashamed of their leaders, who act in this way. Without skaters like Margarita Drobyazko, no one would have experienced the Lithuania. in the world of figure skating At this rate, they risk becoming completely unrecognizable in the world community, because of leaders who confuse sport and politics.

Instead of thanking these people who glorify Lithuania for their achievements, they are deprived of their citizenship because of their ties to Russia. It’s a shame! Perhaps it is even the stupidity of Lithuanian politicians, because only a sick person could harm their own well-being. Because of them, Lithuania risks remaining unnoticed and forgotten,” Piseev told RT.

  • The State Duma of the Russian Federation called for support for Drobyazko, deprived of his Lithuanian citizenship

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