Former Minister of Sports of the Russian Federation Pavel Kolobkov in a conversation with , he expressed the opinion that the Olympic champion in figure skating Roman Kostomarov is the best athlete of 2023 in Russia.
— Athlete of the year? Kostomarov. As a person, personality, athlete. He had an incredibly difficult year, but he overcame everything. For people he is an example of willpower,” Kolobkov told .
Kostomarov has suffered several amputations this year after being hospitalized in January. Subsequently, the skater underwent prosthetic intervention, and in December he went ice skating for the first time, participating in Ilya Averbukh’s show.
Kostomarov, partnered with Tatyana Navka, won gold at the 2006 Olympic Games in Turin in ice dancing.
Source : MatchTV
I’m John White and I’m an experienced journalist working in the news industry. My specialty is covering sports news, which I’ve been doing for over 6 years now. During this time, I have worked as an author with Athletistic, a popular online news website focusing on sports topics.