Athletistic/ Figure skating. Today, January 28, Olympic champion Roman Kostomarov took part in Ilya Averbukh’s show dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the lifting of the siege of Leningrad. The famous producer and choreographer Ilya Averbukh spoke about this.

– Roma was already on the ice, everyone saw it. There were no plans to participate in today’s concert, but we are making plans. Roma is a perfectionist and sets global goals. If for the first time the very fact of skating on the ice was important to him, now what matters to him is what will happen on the ice and how,” Averbukh was quoted as saying by Match TV.

Recall that Roman Kostomarov spent most of 2023 in the hospital. As a result of treatment for pneumonia, necrosis developed, leading to limb amputation. Later, the athlete underwent prosthetics. In late December, he went on the ice for the first time since the incident.

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