Verbov: “In the new season, Zenit Kazan must look for a stimulus”

Head coach of Kazan “Zenith” Alexei Verbov said that the team’s volleyball players must look for motivation in the new season.

At the end of April, Zenit became 12-time champion of Russia.

— There is always another side to the coin: a certain saturation occurs. Over a long period of time you play and win – there is an addiction. I played it as a player. In other words, it really exists, and it is very difficult for a coach to find motivation, an incentive, and it is very difficult for players to maintain themselves in the same state – like when you get to the very beginning and you dream of a title. No matter how much I studied the art of coaching, I read everywhere how to achieve something, how to reach the top, how to get there, but there was very little information on how to stay there longer .

Now we will address this topic as much as possible next year, because the team is not going to get worse, it will become stronger, just like the opponents: they change, they adapt, they try to find ways to defeat the champions. It’s a standard story for sports. So we will try not to slow down and move forward,” Verbov said as quoted by “Championship”.


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Source : MatchTV

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