Olympic synchronized swimming champion Maria Kiseleva said that in the modern world, EU sanctions against Russians indicate a person’s loyalty to their country.
On Monday, the EU approved the 14th sanctions package. Among those subject to restrictions was Russian Kiseleva.
— Everyone calls and asks if he’s on the sanctions list. My friends, I think this is a reason to congratulate myself. Today, EU sanctions are a sign of loyalty to our country. I am proud that my love for my homeland is now evident to the global community.
Russia has always stood for strengthening relations between countries, and sport is one of the areas of this fruitful work.
Dear compilers of sanctions lists, thank you for your high assessment of my activities for the benefit of Russia! I believe that common sense will come back to you. A person has a mother and a person has a homeland. “In my opinion, this is obvious,” Kiseleva wrote on her Telegram channel.
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Source : MatchTV

I’m John White and I’m an experienced journalist working in the news industry. My specialty is covering sports news, which I’ve been doing for over 6 years now. During this time, I have worked as an author with Athletistic, a popular online news website focusing on sports topics.