Figure skater Volkov talks about working with Krylova: “I took everything with hostility and was a bit negative. After a month I adapted, we caught the general wave”

Figure skater Marc Volkov who participates in ice dancing competitions, told that he managed to find a common language with coach Anzhelika Krylova after a month of work.

On Sunday, Volkov announced on his Telegram channel that his duet with Sofia Kachushkina had ceased to exist. The duo moved to Krylova in the spring of this year.

— You skated a full season together. How was he for you?

– Yes, but we have been together for two years, the first year was disrupted by an injury. The first fighting season began with the Grand Prix stage in Ufa, which did not go very well for us. At first, feelings were mixed, but I told myself that this was a first start, that I had to continue working. Then a series of illnesses and injuries began. It was difficult for me to accept. The relationship in the couple has always been positive, the mood was combative. I tried to understand why these troubles followed one another, injuries arose unexpectedly. I still have not found the answer myself. We could have been higher, but because of injuries we were not able to properly prepare for any start.

— What did the coach say in such situations?

— Alexander Vyacheslavovich (Joulin) was very nervous and worried. He had a stance that if an athlete had an injury there was no need to push them further, he allowed them to recover and ski at full health, and not try to force anything else to make the situation worse .

— Your paths diverge from Krylova’s group. Why?

— I wouldn’t say that we are permanently separated. I just took a little time to really understand what I want.

— Therefore, do you not consider the transition to Krylova a mistake?

— At first, when we joined Anzhelika Alekseevna’s group, I took everything with hostility, I was a little negative. A month later, I adapted, we caught the common wave and began to understand it perfectly. I think that if we had continued to work with Anzhelika Alekseevna, our couple would have changed for the better, “Volkov told .

Previously, the duo performed under the direction of Alexander Zhulin. At the Russian Championships, Kachushkina and Volkov took tenth place in ice dancing.

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Source : MatchTV

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