The ice show “Guardians of Time” will take place in Kazan today, August 29.
— Isn’t it just a collection of serial numbers, but a full-fledged series with a storyline?
– That’s right, it’s not a collection. We created everything from scratch: staged numbers, wrote music and songs. There will even be a choir. I’ll sing too!
— Will you sing with a choir or solo?
– It will be a surprise, come and find out! I hope for a warm welcome in Kazan, I really appreciate the support I receive here. I try to be heard, but I do not pay attention to attempts to offend or provoke me. When people appreciate and support me, I try to respond in kind, “Zagitova said in an interview with BUSINESS Online.
Source: Sport
I’m Todderic Kirkman, a journalist and author for athletistic. I specialize in covering all news related to sports, ranging from basketball to football and everything in between. With over 10 years of experience in the industry, I have become an invaluable asset to my team. My ambition is to bring the most up-to-date information on sports topics around the world.