Russian coach and program director in the group Eteri Tutberidze Daniel Gleikhengauz said that in the new season they will present two programs with Russian texts.
— Since the season is not international, you have to find an inner strength to arouse the interest of the athlete, to make him want to develop, to make the images help him to move forward. It is important for us not to lower the bar for our coaching team. We have no problem with motivation and we help our athletes. Every training should make you better. We spent a lot of time filming.
“I expect impeccable skating from our athletes this season. It will be interesting for me to see the audience’s reaction to some programs, because I have never used music with Russian text in programs before. You will hear two programs with Russian text. It was interesting for me to work with this,” the correspondent reports Gleikhengauz’s words.
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Source : MatchTV
I’m John White and I’m an experienced journalist working in the news industry. My specialty is covering sports news, which I’ve been doing for over 6 years now. During this time, I have worked as an author with Athletistic, a popular online news website focusing on sports topics.