Rukh captain Sapuga did not arrive with the team in Kyiv for the game against Dynamo

The 21-year-old midfielder’s return to the pitch has been delayed for now

Midfielder Rukha Mark Sapuga did not arrive with the team in Kyiv for the 7th round game UPL against Dynamo.

It was previously reported that Sapuga, along with midfielder Freddy Pluman and forward Yuri Klimchuk, returned to the general group of Rukh. At the same time, Pluman and Klimchuk arrived in Kyiv and have a chance to play against Dynamo in the upcoming match.

Sapuga suffered an anterior cruciate ligament injury in January, in a friendly match with Austrian Sturm (0:0). Since then, the player successfully underwent surgery in February and has been undergoing rehabilitation for the past eight months.

Last season, the 21-year-old midfielder wore the captain’s armband in Rukh, and now, during his absence, the captain of the Lviv team is midfielder Denis Pidgursky.

There are still two players in the Rukh infirmary: defender Bohdan Slyubik and midfielder Yevhen Pastukh.

The away match between Rukh and Dynamo will take place today, September 21. The match is scheduled to start at 18:00.

Source: Sportarena

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