Unique service at the stages of the Cross-Country World Cup is a utopia, it will never happen, says the president of the Russian Ski Racing Federation Elena Vyalbe .
Earlier, the director of flights for the International Ski Federation (FIS), Pierre Mignerey, had indicated that the organization was considering the possibility of creating a common service during the stages of the Cross-Country Skiing World Cup. According to him, many European ski federations are experiencing economic difficulties.
— How do you assess the initiative to introduce a unified service at the World Cups?
– It’s a utopia, it will never happen. Not everyone will smear skis in the same way, not everyone will be in the same conditions at the Olympic Games. Who is going to pay these people? Two years ago, we had the idea of banning everything related to fluoride. As a result, it has now been postponed for a further year. Although we have something to think about now,” Vyalbe told reporters.
Source : MatchTV

I am Sandra Jackson, a journalist and content creator with extensive experience in the news industry. I have been working in the news media for over five years. During this time, I have worked as an author and editor at various outlets producing high-quality content that attracts readers from different demographics.