The French government has presented a new anti-tobacco plan aimed at “responding to the challenge of a generation without smokers by 2032” which includes further increases in the price of cigarettes and the expansion of spaces where smoking will be prohibited, among other things , beaches, parks and near schools.
New National Anti-Tobacco Program (PNLT) of France for 2023-2027 is mainly based on “increased taxation and the ban on tobacco”, explained the Minister of Health and Prevention, Aurélien Rousseau.
The objective is to prevent smoking, particularly among young people, and to better help smokers to quit, particularly those who have limited resources.
One of its main measures is to increase the price of cigarette packets. “Raising prices works, it’s very effective, and it’s the subject of a global scientific consensus” underlined Rousseau.
Many brands are now sold at 11 euros for a pack of 20. The minimum price will gradually increase to 13 euros at the start of 2027, with a first step at 12 euros in 2025.
From January 2024, prices are expected to increase, this time due to inflation, by 40 to 50 cents.
“Tobacco-free” beaches and forests
Smoke-free zones (“without smoke” in French), indicated by signs, will be extended to all beaches, public parks, forests and near certain public places, such as schools, announced Rousseau, who raised the possibility “fines”. but without specifying the amount.

“I strongly believe in banning smoking in public spaces,” he said. “Non-smoking areas – there are already more than 7,200 in more than 73 departments – are above all the result of a movement driven by local authorities. “We are shifting the buck and making this principle the norm,” he explained.
Decrees on package prices and bans are expected “in the first quarter of 2024”.
Furthermore, “as Prime Minister Élisabeth Borne had promised”, the sale of disposable vape products (puffs), very popular with young people, will be prohibited, announced the minister, denouncing an “aberration both in terms of public health than in environmental matters. .
With their childish, sweet or fruity flavors, their brightly colored packaging and their low price, choux comes in around twenty brands. These devices worry the authorities because they target adolescents and constitute a gateway to smoking.
“We are very optimistic about a very rapid vote,” assures the minister’s entourage, who is committed to an effective ban in September 2024 at the latest.
Nicotine sachets
The Government is also targeting nicotine sachets, which constitute “a new form of consumption intended for younger consumers”, and will take “the necessary measures” against “any practice which could appear recreational or harm the impact of nicotine”. tobacco,” underlined Aurélien Rousseau.

To make tobacco less attractive, neutral packaging, without a brand logo, will be extended to all tobacco and vaping products.
To help smokers quit, pharmacists can prescribe nicotine replacement therapies.
The payment of state aid will be conditional on public health objectives, such as compliance with the ban on sales to minors.
Source: Latercera

I am Robert Harris and I specialize in news media. My experience has been focused on sports journalism, particularly within the Rugby sector. I have written for various news websites in the past and currently work as an author for Athletistic, covering all things related to Rugby news.