How to avoid fines when traveling with animals in the car?

Holiday parties can add unnecessary expenses unless they are avoided.

One of the most anticipated times of the year is approaching. New Year’s Eve is one of the most anticipated celebrations, where many want to leave behind the bad moments of a season that is beginning to draw to a close. Thousands of people take advantage of the event to travel to different destinations and share with their friends and loved ones. But in these movements, Those who also get in the car are the pets, those furry beings who accompany us and brighten up each day.

But it’s not about arriving and picking up a puppy or a cat and putting it in the car. . In Chile, the transport of pets by car is governed by the Law 18.290.

In this standard, Article 80 prohibits the transportation of pets in the front seats and states that they must be in the rear, secured with special carriers or harnesses.

How to avoid fines when traveling with animals in the car?

The explanation of this measurement is simple. If pets are in the passenger seat, the safety of the pet, drivers and passengers is put at risk, because in the event of an accident, the pet could be thrown.

To save this law, Autofact comments that “the most common means of transport for pets are cages which must be sufficiently ventilated. It should also not be much larger than the animal, because in the event of an accident it could hit the walls.

In the event of non-compliance with the regulations, The fine for transporting a pet in the front seat of a car ranges between 0.2 and 0.5 UTM and is considered a minor offense.

For those who do not have a carrier, there are various stores where you can purchase them. At Kia Chili, for example, the website offers a list of accessories, including conveyors at $18,495 .

How to avoid fines when traveling with animals in the car?

But the problem may be more serious. If necessary measures are not taken to make the trip safe for pets, this is called Cholito Law . Under the Responsible Pet and Pet Ownership Act, fines range from 10 to 30 UTM.

So now you know. If you are traveling with pets in the car, be sure to provide the greatest comfort and safety for the animals.

Tips for a peaceful trip with pets

If we already know how to travel with our beloved pets and how not to regret any fines because we do not comply with the regulations, now we share some tips from MINI so that these dear friends have a good trip.

  • Visit to the vet: Before leaving, make sure your pet is up to date with its vaccinations and has had a recent health check. Consult your veterinarian for any specific health concerns or special needs of your pet.
  • Baby carrier or safety harness: Use a pet carrier or safety harness in the car. – Make sure it is suitable for the size and species of your pet.
  • Training: If your pet is not used to traveling by car, gradually get him used to it with short, pleasant trips. You can start with short walks to familiarize him with the car. Use positive reinforcement, such as treats and praise, to reinforce calm behavior in the car.
  • Car safety: Use a pet carrier or safety harness designed for pets to keep your pet safe during travel. Do not leave your pet loose in the front seat. Airbags and driver distraction can be dangerous. If you use a baby carrier, secure it in the back seat with the seat belt to prevent it from moving if you brake suddenly.
How to avoid fines when traveling with animals in the car?
  • Regular stops: Make regular stops so your pet can stretch its legs, do its business and drink water. Plan these stops in safe areas.
  • Food and water: Feed your pet in moderation before traveling to avoid motion sickness. Carry cool water and offer it during stops.
  • Comfort and entertainment: Bring familiar toys and blankets to make your pet feel comfortable and safe in the car. Keep windows closed enough to prevent your pet from getting out, but open enough for ventilation.
  • Emergency Preparedness: Bring a pet first aid kit and have contact information for your destination veterinarian handy.

Source: Latercera

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