“They eat mayonnaise like there is no tomorrow”: the Mexican listed 5 things that surprise him in Chile

In his TikTok profile, content creator Salogama said that one of the behaviors that surprises him the most in Chile is the presence of the local spider in most homes.

Every time we travel In a new country, we are faced with new experiences such as tasting typical dishes, discovering breathtaking landscapes and discovering customs different from ours.

And today, in the golden age of social media, many users publicly share their thoughts on the destinations they visit.

On this occasion, he was the content creator Mexican @Salogama who recounted his experience since he came to live in Pepper . Specifically, the influencer focused on the things that surprised him during his stay.

That’s what he said.

Things about Chile that surprised a Mexican

In a series of videos he shared on his account TikTok the Mexican content creator shared 5 situations happening in Chile that “drive him crazy.”

The first on the list was the presence of the local spider in Chilean homes . It is the most dangerous arachnid that lives in our country, since its bite, if not treated in time at a health center, could lead to death.

“They live with a deadly spider. Yes, the corner spider, the violinist, lives in corners and that’s normal. They see one, they pour poison on it and that’s it. “You have no idea how much I screamed the first time I saw one,” he said.

Secondly, he mentioned the mayonnaise consumption which he considers from his point of view a little abnormal. “What’s up with them eating mayonnaise like there’s no tomorrow.” They put mayonnaise on everything. But we don’t put a layer of mayonnaise on the bread, we jam it with mayonnaise. Does it taste good? It’s good. Diary? “I don’t know if I would eat every day,” he argued.

Salogama Influencer
Mexican tiktoker @Salogama said he was surprised by the presence of the local spider in Chilean homes.

He then named driver education in Chile, focusing on respect pedestrian crossings . “My God, you put your foot in the yield and the cars stop and let you pass. And they put their flashers, their flashers there so that you can pass peacefully,” he stressed.

The fourth situation the influencer put on his list was bread consumption . Although he admits that Chilean bread “is good,” he adds that he is not yet used to eating it so often. “In Mexico we eat a lot of tortillas, yes, but we eat bread and also tortillas. “It balances things out a little bit, that’s my opinion,” he said.

Finally, he mentioned drink tap water . “I live in Talca, which is a small town, and you can drink water there. This fascinates me, because you can drink water from almost anywhere and it is clean,” said the TikToker in one of the videos, which already has thousands of views on the Chinese platform.

Salogama, Mexican influencer
“They eat mayonnaise like there is no tomorrow”: the Mexican listed 5 things that surprise him in Chile

The reactions

The Mexican influencer’s records sparked various reactions among users.

“I agree with you, I don’t know what’s happening to the Chileans with the mayonnaise”, “Earthquake immunity was not mentioned” and “I’m afraid all countries will be surprised that pedestrian crossings be respected,” were some of the comments. which appeared in the publications.

Watch the Salogama video here .

Source: Latercera

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