A 13-year-old Argentine who plays Fortnite has signed a contract with a top team in Europe

This is Tozeo, who tried battle royale for the first time at 7 and will now compete and create content under the jersey of a historic cast.

A 13-year-old Argentine who plays Fortnite has signed a contract with a top team in Europe

The arrival of Argentine players from sports Joining top-level international teams is not an everyday thing and even more so when they are very young, as was the case with K1ng and his arrival in Faze Clan. In this case, opportunity has arrived Tozeoof 13 yearswho closed the contract with ENCEa Finnish cast with 10 years in the business.

A 13-year-old Argentine who plays Fortnite has signed a contract with a top team in Europe

Francisco began to create con YouTube at just 9 years old and quickly demonstrated his talent at Fortnitealthough for this he undertook a kind of training under the leadership of his father, Sebastian Brunatoformer esports player and coach.

Brunatobetter known as Sebak1ra in the esports environment, he began to enter 2004 with Counter Strike and, in the past seven years, he has gone through titles such as VALORANT, PUBG, Free Fire and Fortnite itselfin the role of coach.

In the end, fulfilling dreams through children is real and beautiful., I’ve always dreamed of something like this for myself. Life circumstances didn’t allow it, although I really enjoyed the amateur esports stage in Argentina,” wrote Sebastián.

A 13-year-old Argentine who plays Fortnite has signed a contract with a top team in Europe

And he added: “Now I see my son succeeding and achieving that dream at only 13 years old, signed his first professional contract as a Fortnite player in one of the biggest clubs in the industry, surrounded by incredible professionals.”

Source: Tycsports

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