Russian biathlete Metelya admitted that due to the demands she places on herself, she can give free rein to her emotions
Semerikov – about a two-year quarantine from the Russian Skating Union: “We will wait for the ISU decision”
Biathlete Dmitrenko also caught Brynzak in a lie
Biathlon scandal. Pidruchny accused Brynzak of lying
Fourcade Sr. is still opposed to the war in Ukraine
For the sake of compromise: the choice of Sanitra will be the right decision for the women’s biathlon team
Regression of sisters Semerenko and prizes for Pidruchny. Ukrainian biathlon season in ten pictures
Іnshiy Fourcade, which maw become great. Ale yogo pokhovov Marten’s talent
Ukraine shaved off the top of her head. Bronze medal in the relay – happy vipadkovіst
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